Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pregnant Saturday

I checked out my "new" gym today. Love, love, love the huge indoor track. Each lap is .4 miles! Also, the outer lane is designated as a walker/stroller lane! I will definitely be taking advantage of the stroller lane sometime this year.

I walked .5 miles, ran 4 miles and then walked .5 miles. I also did a few pushups and ab exercises. I am running almost exactly 10 mins/mile for my pace which I don't think is too shabby.

After my workout I went to the store for groceries. It was nearly a one point, I had chips, ice cream, cookies, and candy in my cart. When Preggo goes shopping, everyone wins! haha....anyway, I managed to wrestle the junkfood away from myself. (Only because I had Girl Scount cookies in the freezer). We have been eating out almost every meal as we live in the hotel and wait for the closing day for our house. I can't wait to be in a house again!

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