Sunday, May 9, 2010

Kicked that run in the face!

I have been slacking on blogging my workouts lately. I had kinda a "blah" week and had a few lazy days in there. I cannot blame my lack of working out on the pregnancy. I just plain didn't get moving all day.

Last Wednesday: Water aerobics class....ouch
Yesterday (Saturday): Ran 4.33 miles. I actually felt fantastic. The only reason I didn't run farther was Charley was dragging me down and giving everyone who looked at her a "tortured dog face". What kind of dog do I have who can't keep up with a fat pregnant lady? Lame.

I'm pleased to announce that I made it to my current goal of running to 32 weeks. Next goal: 36 weeks! I can do this, right? That's another 30 days and I'm only running every other day at this 15 more runs.

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